Do you need planning permission?

Do you need planning permission for outdoor weather protection systems?

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Do your sub-contract out your installations?

Do your sub-contract out your installations?

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When you’re installing do you carry out the electrical works?

When you’re installing do you carry out the electrical works?

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Does my house wall need special preparation for a retractable awning?

If you are fixing a patio awning to a straight forward, 2 plus storey brick house, there will generally be nothing further needed. Single storey buildings, some substrates and some size awnings may require additional bracketing, which we can and will provide. However, a lot of ultra modern homes using super lightweight blocks can be a problem requiring a further framework for support and spreading the loadings..
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Can I install a retractable awning by myself?

Yes, it is perfectly possible, but most of the awnings are very heavy and require a minimum of 2 people for installation and lifting into place. The wall bracket fixtures are one of the most important components to ensure a sound and safe installation and the positioning and fixing of these brackets should be carefully considered.
Extra brackets are frequently used to spread the weight across a wall safely.
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How do I fit an awning if we have downpipes in the way?

You use pipe brackets. These brackets are made to order and space the awning brackets off the wall the depth required to miss the downpipes.. There are however 2 options generally..
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What do the spreader or gutter brackets look like?

We find most people worry unnecessarily about these extra brackets as when they are required then there really is no alternative and the trouble is most people look at them in complete isolation and not the whole installation with the awning. They will not be seen after a short time as they blend in.
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Why should I choose Samson Awnings to install my glass room or veranda?

We have a complete transparent pricing policy on all products and our level of skills in installation of bespoke products such as the glass rooms is extensive over the last 15 years. We do not sit with you for hours in your home trying to make you order on the day, no pressure selling tactics are used, we are a long established family firm.
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What are the electrical requirements for a patio awning?

For a normal retractable patio awning the electrical requirement is minimal
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Why can’t I have a retractable awning directly above my bi-folding doors?

There are 2 main reasons – structural suitability (usually) and lack of space and height as most bi folding door extensions are a flat roof single storey extension. It is possible of course but just needs some planning for the correct support.
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