Do you supply umbrellas that will work in high winds?
Yes we do, and very high wind speeds too..
Generally large umbrellas are not suitable for use in medium to high wind speeds, especially an size over about 4m x 4m. The problem is even worse when they are side supported, cantilever type umbrellas as there is even less support for the main umbrella canopy. In commercial applications large umbrellas will need some very careful attention and closing every night for sure – that was until the Vortex came along.
The Vortex umbrella is a high quality centre pole supported umbrella designed in 3 sizes – 2.8m x 2.8m, 4.2m x 4.2m and 4m x 3m. The main framework is stainless steel and the fabric for the cover an extra tough fabric, available in many different and fabulous colours. The main interest however is the fact this umbrella will take no trouble in being fully open in wind speeds of up to 100km/h!! The official testing was at wind force 11.
This is a true fit and forget umbrella, even though it can be raised and lowered relatively easily there is no need to, unless you get a weather warning of the kind which is on every news channel for days beforehand.
Forget all other umbrellas if you need a large umbrella for commercial use, and another great feature too is the umbrella is priced in a very similar bracket to many other large umbrellas of similar sizes even though they do not have anywhere near the wind speed capability and strength of the Vortex. This is a fairly unique umbrella system for taking the UK weather at its worst. You also have options in heating elements, lighting, rain gutters to join umbrellas together, branding on one or all sides, full side enclosures and non permanent bases instead of concreting a sleep into the ground.
See this fantastic umbrella now in our website >

2 Vortex Umbrellas with Optional Infra Red Heaters