An Unpredictable Year…

A Breath of Fresh Air

By Nathan Dove, Managing Director 

If anyone had told me on March 24th that our awning business would be supercharged by a pandemic, I would have thought them absolutely crazy; six months later however, the need and desire to spend more time outdoors to avoid catching a virus has meant that this has happened.

We initially closed our showroom doors following advice on March 24th and began to work out what we might do, when movement and face to face communication had effectively been condemned.

As we entered April, I started to realise what was happening as news came across from Germany that the demand for awnings, umbrellas and canopies was seeing an enormous surge. “Is this the Spring peak?” I initially asked myself. However, the upward trend continued, along with government advice to “spend more time outdoors.”

It has become clear, even as the Autumn rain starts to fall. Our government and health advisors are stating: “Meet Outdoors”, “Stay Healthy”, “Avoid close Contact”.  The messages keep coming, and they are targeted at both domestic and commercial audiences. They make sense, and these instructions have changed many people’s perceptions. It is better to be outdoors.

The True Value of Fresh Air

We have some catching up to do with our European neighbours. According to the National Trust, UK children are exhibiting symptoms of a modern phenomenon known as “Nature Deficit Disorder”.

A particularly informative report by the National Trust describes in detail how the UK compares with other European countries in the misguided sheltering of ourselves and our children, from the outdoors.

National Trust study: https://nt.global.ssl.fastly.net/documents/read-our-natural-childhood-report.pdf


We have learnt the value of fresh air in 2020


For all of us, young and old, a lesson can be learnt from its important message: “Nature Deficit Disorder describes the human costs of alienation from nature, among them: diminished use of the sense, attention difficulties, and higher rates of physical and emotional illnesses.” This proves that not only does embracing the outdoors help protect us from the dangers of the current pandemic, but will always improve our physical and mental wellbeing.

Changing Perceptions

Although the pandemic for many of us has been a turbulent and unsettling experience, fortunately good things have been brought to the surface too, just like the re-discovery of our love for the outdoors. This will inevitably continue, especially if everyone can readjust their perception of our general lifestyles for the health of us and our loved ones, and spend much more time outdoors.

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You don’t have to leap around like a youngster, you can still read, listen to music, or socialise with your family via Facebook or Zoom, this is all part of it. Look at what we have to offer, to make outdoor living happen for us all. Discover just how you can enhance the space you have available to you, to make an informed and beneficial decision. We’re here to help you along this journey.Restaurant outdoor dining

Our very own British concept of “Outdoor Living” is being re-born! Let’s embrace the “New Normal” in the move outside.

Discover Your New Normal…

Click the link below to visit our website for all things outdoor living and inspiration for keeping your business and outdoor space alive.